IAB Tech Lab analyzes issues with Google’s Privacy Sandbox while The Trade Desk airs some concerns. New York Times is developing an advertising-related AI tool.
In our latest news round-up, we look at a recent Internet Advertising Bureau study showing support for a free and open internet, give a nod to a landmark year of changes, and take an early look at the cookieless test group.
Why first-party data is important to a brand’s advertising strategy, many advertisers seem unprepared for the removal of cookies, and the problem with bid duplication.
In our latest news round-up, we look at a recent debunking of some SEO myths, take a peek at marketer wish lists, and prepare for Chrome’s Tracking Protection feature.
We want to give everyone a quick update on everything that we’ve been working on here at NitroPay since our last newsletter. It’s a lot, and we are excited to get your feedback on some newer implementations.
Without fail each year, seasonal trends will impact a publisher’s ad revenue. As specific holidays or events roll around, it’s important to ensure that your website is optimized to take advantage of these trends.
Q1 publisher revenue was better than expected, COPPA is long overdue for an update, first-party data myths, and the problem with verification vendor crawlers.
We take a look at concern over AI chatbot impact on publisher revenue, the joint effect to revise digital advertising Standard Terms & Conditions, the role of data clean rooms, and B2B ad spend expectations.
When publishers first come on board with any adtech company, there are several steps that take time as everything is put into place. One major factor in this process is that advertising bidders first need to scrape ads.txt files to determine authorized sellers of inventory on the publisher’s website. With this information, bidders can determine […]
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