Nitro Bonus Programs

As part of the Nitro platform, you have several bonus programs that you are automatically enrolled in while you’re on the network. These are described below, and your Nitro panel will reflect any percentages on your net revenue share.

(Note: This only applies to sites that have accepted Nitro’s new agreement post-July 10, 2024. Contact your account manager if you have any questions.)


While with Nitro, you will be able to make referrals to other publishers and be rewarded if those publishers join the network, go live with an integration, and earn revenue. Referral payments are based on the second 30-day period of earnings, and are paid out after 60 days of the referred site being live. There is a maximum of $1,500 per referral. You will only be entitled to receive the bonus amount for new publishers. In case of a return publisher which we had previous engagement with you will not be entitled to receive bonus for such publisher


In addition to referrals, Nitro also has a Sponsor program that allows publishers to set up a subscription system to automatically turn off ads for their users. This is built into the Nitro platform and operates similarly to existing subscription solutions. The base revenue share for this is 95% to the publisher and 5% to Nitro.

Ad Impression Scaling

As your site continues to grow, we automatically adjust your advertising revenue share in your favor based on how many ad impressions that you’re serving to your audience. The calculation is based on the impressions listed below and is tiered:

  • 5M-9.99M – 1%
  • 10M-14.99M – 2%
  • 15M-19.99M – 3%
  • 20M-24.99M – 4%
  • 25M+ – 5%

For example, if you have 12m impressions for March of this year, you’ll have your revenue share adjusted from 80% to 82% in April automatically. This is combined with any loyalty bonuses you’re also earning.

We wish to clarify that the calculation of the ad impressions shall be subject to our sole discretion.


Every year that you are a part of the Nitro platform earns you additional advertising revenue share adjustments of 0.5% per year, capping out at 2.5%. This bonus is applied at an organizational level, so if you have more sites that are not part of the Nitro program, the moment you apply them to our platform the loyalty bonus also applies. 

However, if you leave and come back, this loyalty bonus is reset. This is a non-transferable bonus. 

 Changes To the Nitro Bonus Program

We reserve the right to amend, alter, or change the Nitro Bonus Program at any time, without notice, and terminate the Nitro Bonus Program at any time, without notice. In the event the Nitro Bonus is terminated, we will not be obliged to credit any accounts that would have otherwise qualified for reward.